Consignor reasonably control the transportation cost in the annual bidding

For the logistics manager of the owner enterprise, the annual bidding project is always a headache. Where to find a new partner? How to judge the service level of the new transportation company? How to reasonably reduce the logistics cost in the new bidding? Are all issues that have to be considered. On the other hand, in the face of new business opportunities, how can transportation companies ensure interests and promote cooperation in bidding and quotation? How can we fully demonstrate the service ability? It's also a problem.

Year after year, with these doubts and fears, logistics bidding seems to be going on smoothly. An enterprise logistics manager once said, "I don't know exactly whether my freight is too high or too low. What I know exactly is my value." In order to promote an order, carriers have to frequently test the bottom line of the shipper. In order to break this information blind spot, OTMS launched the solution of freight online bidding system. The five step strategy of "data analysis - visual optimization scheme - online bidding - real evaluation - cost reduction and efficiency promotion" brings a new experience.

Firstly, OTMS starts with the real operation data of the cargo owner, combs the layout of the existing transportation network, the allocation of transportation capacity resources and the freight rate system, finds out the improvement space in the past transportation price system, generates a multi-dimensional "transportation view" and provides a visual global data analysis report.

Secondly, OTMS provides a powerful online bidding system to help shippers set up actual bidding plans, immediately invite multiple potential carriers to participate in bidding online, set the bidding project time, and let carriers make multiple rounds of quotation, price negotiation and price adjustment to participate in bidding. The finally locked quotation can directly generate effective price documents, so as to realize the complete closed loop of follow-up operation monitoring, reconciliation and freight settlement.

-Make the bidding of the cargo owner more controllable and traceable

-Flexible selection of invited carriers to participate in bidding

-Meet the requirements of different quotation structures such as different lines, stepped quotation and additional expenses

-Support the export of carrier quotation and batch adjustment of carrier quotation

At the same time, in the bidding process, OTMS can help shippers simulate the quotation of different carriers and export the data dashboard of "cost perspective", which can not only effectively support the bidding decision of shippers, but also more conveniently quantify the real cost changes in the operation stage.

OTMS online bidding adopts a unified online quotation format to avoid the mode of each faction in the carrier's quotation and bid. It brings efficient comparison and optimization with a standardized quotation mode, and gradually accumulates KPI data to provide competitiveness for high-quality carriers; The real waybill provides the carrier with a specific reference to the logistics cost that can be accounted for, and lays a solid foundation for win-win cooperation.

Is everything over after the online bidding? This is not the case on the OTMS cloud platform. The completion of bidding marks the real development of transportation business. The system itself has strong transportation collaborative management ability and manages the actual transportation implementation in real time and accurately. High quality carriers not only display the price and service level in bidding, but also display their advantages in a more comprehensive and in-depth manner through the accumulation of daily operation performance data. OTMS, a one-stop transportation service capability, will undoubtedly become a priority partner of enterprise transportation management.

A well-known large company successfully reduced the logistics cost by 6% in 2016 after effectively optimizing the transportation network configuration by using OTMS. The rapid development of OTMS in recent two years has connected a large number of well-known domestic cargo owner enterprises and accumulated many high-quality transportation companies. Only enterprises that constantly optimize and challenge can develop in the long term in this era, continuously upgrade logistics and transportation services, enable participants in the whole logistics chain to obtain more and better business opportunities, and jointly promote the healthy development of the logistics industry.
